RIAI Executive


Frank Turvey

Registrar of Architects
Frank is responsible for administering the RIAI’s functions under the Building Control Act 2007 including: keeping the Architects’ Register and providing administrative supports to the four statutory boards and the Registration Body. He is also the RIAI company secretary and in-house legal counsel.
Email: Frank Turvey

Geraldine Hall

Professional Standards Officer
Geraldine administers the fitness to practice process on behalf of the Professional Conduct Committee and appeals to the Appeals Board. She is responsible for investigating misuse of the title and for the consumer mediation process.

Antje Baeger

Admissions Officer
Antje duties includes processing of applications for admission to the Register of Architects and/or RIAI membership, administrative and organisational support to BAEAC and the Technical Assessment and the Admissions Board.
Email: Antje Baeger

Caoimhe Gilsenan

Membership Officer
Caoimhe is responsible for registering new RIAI Members and new Practice Members, annual charges, maintaining the RIAI database and Online Practice Directory, Membership Stamps, Registration Certificates, Membership Certificates, RIAI Good Practice Guide and RIAI Marks.

Architecture & Communications

Dr. Sandra O'Connell

Director of Architecture and Communications
Sandra works with the Architecture and Public Affairs Committee and is responsible for the RIAI's communications strategy and architecture programme, including awards, design reviews, competitions, conferences and RIAI publications.

Maeve Power

Assistant Director of Architecture and Communications
Maeve delivers communications on the RIAI Strategy and the work of all RIAI divisions to its Members, built environment stakeholders and the public through the RIAI website, social media channels, e-newsletters, press releases, policies and publications. Maeve also develops and manages architecture awards and medals, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, design reviews and competitions.
Email: Maeve Power

Sonila Papa

RIAI Online Communications Officer
Sonila administrates the RIAI communications plan for the members and the public, and maintains content for the RIAI website and newsletters. Sonila also works on public events, exhibitions and membership services.
Email: Sonila Papa

Daniel O'Sullivan

Communications Officer
Daniel works as part of the Communications team, developing and delivering internal (member) and external (public) communication to reflect the vibrant and diverse range of activities and initiatives delivered by the RIAI. Daniel also writes and copyedits for RIAI publications and press releases, while identifying and creating content for the RIAI website and the RIAI social media channels.


Sandra Campbell MRIAI

Education Director
Sandra works with the Board of Architectural Education, responsible for all matters relating to Education and CPD including prescription and notification of qualifications in architecture.

Ghinlon Wang MRIAI

Assistant Education Director
In the Education Division, Ghinlon supports the work of the RIAI Board of Architectural Education, Committees, and Taskforces, to deliver CPD training and facilitate the Accreditation of Qualifications, prioritizing the needs of Members and the public.
Email: Ghinlon Wang

Teresa Harte

CPD Officer
Teresa is responsible for organising and managing RIAI CPD events. She provides administrative support to members regarding CPD policy and compliance. Teresa also oversees the RIAI CPD Network and maintains RIAI CPD links, ensuring the seamless operation of these resources. Additionally, she manages the RIAI job search advertisements, helping connect employers with qualified professionals.
Email: Teresa Harte

Lyndsey Reilly

Education Officer
Lyndsey provides administrative support to the Education Director Team in the delivery of an extensive programme including Accreditation of Qualifications, RIAI assessments and examinations, RIAI Education Policy, and Student Awards and exhibitions.

Dr. Carole Pollard FRIAI

Convenor RIAI Professional Practice Examination
Carole delivers a new Professional Practice education programme and supports architectural graduates seeking admission to the Register of Architects.

Sara Carrigan MRIAI

Convenor RIAI Environmental Induction Course
Sara is responsible for the ongoing development and delivery of the new RIAI Environmental Induction Course, including day-to-day management and monitoring of learning outcomes and assessment strategy.
Email: Sara Carrigan


Máire Mullarkey Byrne

Finance Director
Máire is responsible for ensuring effective financial management and control within the RIAI and contributes towards the financial planning, strategic growth and development of the Institute.

Finuala Hurley

Accounts Officer
Finuala is responsible for the recording and retrieving of RIAI financial details, including maintaining financial records, processing payments, managing payroll and monitoring cash flow.

Sharon Maguire

Accounts Officer
Sharon is responsible for the recording and retrieving of RIAI financial details, including maintaining financial records, processing payments, managing payroll and monitoring cash flow.


Pranash Ramanundh MRIAI

Practice Director
Pranash oversees the development of RIAI Practice and Regulatory Policy and is responsible for Practice information, information support for Members and the public, policy support to the Practice, historic buildings, sustainability, accessibility, Part L committees and co-ordinates RIAI Regulatory submissions.

Deirdre Keeley MRIAI

Assistant Practice Director
Deirdre supports the Practice Division and is responsible for the development of RIAI Practice and Regulatory Policy, Practice information, information support for Members and the public, policy support to the committees and co-ordinates RIAI Regulatory submissions.

Joe Miller FRIAI

Practice Director
Joe oversees the development of RIAI Practice and Regulatory Policy, Practice information, information support for Members and the public, policy support to the Practice, historic buildings, sustainability, accessibility, Part L committees and co-ordinates RIAI Regulatory submissions - on a limited time basis as he is due to retire.
Email: Joe Miller

Gearóid Carvill MRIAI

Climate Change Consultant
Gearóid assists the RIAI to respond to the Climate Emergency. He works with all divisions of the Institute and delivers strategies that help its Members, stakeholders and the general public to meet national Climate Change commitments.

Administration and IT

Catherine Bolster

Office Manager
Catherine is responsible for supporting and co-ordinating RIAI operations, looking after facilities, developing and implementing administration systems ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and safety.

Bróna King

Bookshop Manager
Bróna manages the bookshop which stocks the largest number of Architectural and Design titles in Ireland, stocks building contracts and Members' forms and provides information to members of the public and to RIAI Members.
Email: Bróna King

Mario Dzanko

Facilities Co-ordinator
Mario organises hospitality arrangements including catering, car parking and the organisation of conference facilities to ensure the smooth and efficient running of meetings and events. He is also responsible for ensuring that the building, internally and externally, is clean, tidy and clutter free.
Email: Mario Dzanko

Nici Kennedy

Executive PA
Nici is the Executive PA, reporting to the CEO and Registrar.
Email: Nici Kennedy

Elaine McCarthy

IT Director
Elaine supports the IT function at the RIAI, managing the Member Database and RIAI Website, project managing new IT software and hardware developments, liaising with suppliers and managing outsourced contracts.

Clement Kangombe

IT Officer
Clement provides functional and technical support across all business areas and is responsible for supporting the Membership Management System, the RIAI websites and for IT Policy development and compliance.