Architectural Technologist Membership
This category of membership carries the affix RIAI (Arch.Tech.).
Architectural Technologist Membership (admission Route T1) is open to you if you have an accredited qualification in architectural technology and at least two years of approved post-graduate practical experience.
Why become an RIAI Architectural Technologist Member?
Get access to:
- The RIAI Members’ newsletter, which provides a wealth of information on the profession, including competitions, awards, events, jobs, and more;
- The Members’ section of the RIAI website, which contains a wide range of resources that will help you develop your career including practice notes, information on conservation, sustainability, accessibility, BC(A)R, and more;
- Access to the online RIAI Good Practice Guide;
- Complimentary hadrcopy of Architecture Ireland for Members residing in Ireland;
- Discounted RIAI CPD courses and MyRIAI CPD, the online CPD recording tool;
- Use of the appropriate RIAI affix: RIAI (Arch.Tech.) (Architectural Technologist Member of the RIAI);
- Use of the RIAI marks;
Get advice on:
- Employment, careers, and setting up a business;
- Working abroad;
- Professional networking.
Annual Charge
The Annual Charge for Architectural Technologist Members is €240.