Competent Authority Statements and Transcript Evaluations
Confirmation of Irish Prescribed Qualifications and/or Eligibility to Seek Registration
The RIAI is the Registration Body and Competent Authority for Architects in Ireland and issues statements confirming recognition of Irish prescribed qualifications and/or seek eligibility for registration in Ireland.
You can request confirmation of your Irish prescribed qualifications by downloading the application pack below.
If you are currently a RIAI Member/Registered Architect or have been in the past and require certification please contact
Confirmation of Professional Architectural Experience
This certificate confirms that the applicant has three years' professional experience in Ireland following establishment as an Architect in the State under Article 3.3 of the Professional Qualifications Directive.
Evaluation of Professional Qualifications from Other States
Non-Irish professional qualifications are assessed under Directive 2005/36/EC for their equivalence to Irish entry level qualifications for the purpose of access to an Irish prescribed post-graduate qualification in Professional Practice.
Candidates wishing to take a Professional Practice examination should contact University College Dublin and/or Dublin Institute of Technology, which offer the examination, in the first instance.
The fees and charges for the above services can be found on the Admission Fees and Charges page.