RIAI Fees and Charges


The Admission and Examination Fees are once-off administration fees, payable on application that covers the cost of processing and evaluating the submission. 

Route Fee Requirement(s) Cost
Route A1 Fee €145.00
Route B Stage 1 Fee €145.00
Route B Stage 2 Fee Assessment Documentary €325.00
Route B Stage 3 Evidence Interview €465.00
Route B4 Fee €145.00
Route C Stage 1 Fee €145.00
Route C Stage 2 Fee Assessment and Interview €800.00
Route C Deferral Fee €65.00
Route D1 Fee €145.00
Route D2 Stage 1 Fee €145.00
Route D2 - (Stage 2 and 3 fees are maximum amounts which may not all apply) Stage 2 Fee Evaluation (maximum) €510.00
Route D2 - (Stage 2 and 3 fees are maximum amounts which may not all apply) Stage 2 Fee Interview (maximum) €310.00
Route D2 - (Stage 2 and 3 fees are maximum amounts which may not all apply) Stage 3 Fee Adaptation/Aptitude (maximum) €1875.00
Route D3 Fee N/A
Route E Fee €4,500.00
Route F Fee €95.00
Route G Fee €25.00
Route M Fee €95.00
Route R1 Category A €160.00
Route R1 Category B €450.00
Route R2 Fee €160.00
Route S1 N/A
Route S2 N/A
Route T1 Fee €145.00
Route T1 Fee Application for an Exemption €240.00
Route T2 Fee €795.00
Non-statutory Appeal Fee €405.00
Transcript Evaluation Fee Non-EU €205.00
Transcript Evaluation Fee EU €25.00


Once you have been found eligible by the Board/s you will be notified and may activate your Registration/Membership by paying the Annual Charge. 

Annual Charge for Registration as an Architect/RIAI Architect Membership Charges

A person who is a Member of the RIAI is eligible for admission to the Register and a person on the Register is eligible for Membership of the RIAI. Consequently an eligible person may choose to be an RIAI Member, to be on the Register, or both.

Entries to the Register of Architects and Annual Charges apply to the year the Registration/RIAI Membership commences. The registration year runs from January to December. New registrants who join the Register after 1 June in any year are only requried to pay 50% of the full Annual Charge.

Annual Charges received on or after 1 December each year will cover the entire year following commencement of Registration/Membership. 

Membership Class Cost
Register only €602.00
Register and RIAI Architect Member/ Fellow €602.00
Half-yearly reduced Registration only/Registration and RIAI Membership €301.00

Annual Charge for Architectural Graduate Members and Architectural Technologist Members 

Membership Class Cost
Architectural Graduate Member €50.00
Overseas Rate Architectural Graduate Member €50.00
Architectural Technologist Member €240.00
Overseas Rate Architectural Technologist Member €120.00

Annual Charges for the Register of Architects and RIAI membership apply to the calendar year unless otherwise stated.

Where a new member is admitted to entry in October, November or December of any year and has paid the full Annual Charge, that payment will cover that person's membership for the following calendar year too.

RIAI Service Charges

Service Cost
RIAI Membership Stamp (available to Members and Fellows of the RIAI) including VAT @ 23% €49.20
Letter confirming qualification in architecture €25.00
Letter confirming fulfilment of qualification requirements for professional recognition €65.00
Letter confirming three years professional experience as an Architect in Ireland €25.00

Registration-related charges under section 62(1)(b) to (g) of the Building Control Act 2007

Procedure Cost
Removal of a person’s name from the Register at their request (voluntary withdrawal) €50.00
Re-issuing a Registration certificate €35.00
Letter confirming Registration/Membership €30.00
Letter confirming determination of compliance with Section 18(6) (Notice of Determination) €25.00