Information for Schools of Architecture and Architectural Technology
Information for Schools of Architecture and Architectural Technology
The accreditation of qualifications and examinations in Architecture and qualifications in Architectural Technology is one of the RIAI’s most critical tasks. The purpose of accreditation is to ensure, in the interests of students, the public and the Architectural and Architectural Technology professions, that the range of skills and the standard of performance attained by students on graduation are adequate with regard to the design, technical and professional skills and ethical formation required for competent practice.
RIAI Statement of Policy on Education
The RIAI Statement of Policy on Education is implemented through the RIAI accreditation process of educational programmes in architecture and architectural technology with the participation and collaboration of all stakeholders involved. As well as promoting architectural education across society from young to old, the RIAI Statement of Policy on Education addresses compliance with National Legislation and EU Directives, as well as other internationally relevant standards.
Accreditation of Qualifications in Architecture
An accredited Qualification in Architecture comprises a total of at least five years full-time study at a university or comparable teaching Institution, leading to successful completion of a university-level examination where architecture is the principal component of study.
A programme of study leading to a Qualification in Architecture may consist of a single 5-year professional degree in architecture or a combination of pre-professional degree in architecture followed by a professional honours' Bachelor or Master degree in architecture comprising 5 years in total e.g., 3-year B.Sc. Arch + 2-year M.Arch or 4-year B.Arch.Sc. + 1 year M.Arch.
In all instances, the Visiting Board recommendation is based on a review of the five years of full-time architectural education. The RIAI does not prescribe pre-professional degrees or master’s degrees on a stand-alone basis.
Accreditation of Qualifications in Architectural Technology
The primary route to RIAI Architectural Technologist Membership is successful completion of an RIAI accredited Qualification in Architectural Technology. This can be either three or four years of full-time study, followed a period of supervised practical training.
An accredited Qualification in Architectural Technology may comprise a three-year BSc in Architectural Technology or a four-year BSc (Hons) in Architectural Technology. In all instances, the Visiting Board recommendation is based on a review of the full three or four years of full-time architectural technology education.
Accreditation of Qualifications in Professional Practice
A Qualification in Professional Practice is a Professional Practice Examination specified by the body referred to in Section 14 (2) (a)(iii)(I) of the Building Control Act 2007. Such examinations may be completed following successful completion of an accredited Qualification in Architecture followed by at least two years of approved post-graduate professional training. Qualifications in Professional Practice are also known as Professional Practice Diplomas.
Prescription of qualifications and examinations in Architecture
Under the terms of the Building Control Act 2007, the RIAI is designated as the Registration Body for the purposes of Part 3 of the Act, Registration of Architects, and the Competent Authority in the State as respects Architects for the purposes of Directive 2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications. As Registration Body and Competent Authority, the RIAI recommends accredited qualifications or examinations in Architecture to the Minister to be Prescribed for the purpose of section 14(2)(a) or section 14(2)(f) of the Act respectively.
When a qualification or examination in Architecture is granted Accreditation by the RIAI, the RIAI first consults QQI regarding its recommendation on Prescription and then sends a report to the Minister confirming that the qualification or examination satisfies the requirements of Article 46 of Directive 2005/36/EU on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications.
Further information on the Prescription process is provided in Section 1.14 of RIAI Accreditation Procedures Part 1: Provisional Accreditation of a Programme in Architecture (download above) and to the Building Control Act 2007 (download below).
Notification of Qualifications in Architecture to the European Commission
Following the process of modernising the requirements of Directive 2005/36/EC on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications, the RIAI as the Competent Authority for architects in the State, is responsible for the issuing of Notifications for Irish qualifications in Architecture seeking inclusion in Annex V of Directive 2005/36/EC. Inclusion in Annex V brings a qualification within the ‘automatic’ regime of recognition which greatly simplifies the process of recognition for holders of these qualifications moving within the EU and EEA. When new qualifications or assessments are introduced, or when existing qualifications change, they must be notified to the EU.
Further information on the Notification process is provided in Section 1.14.2 of RIAI Accreditation Procedures Part 1: Provisional Accreditation of a Programme in Architecture (download above).