Public Consultation: draft Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority has launched a public consultation on draft Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets.
The draft guidelines, information on how they were developed and how to give feedback are available at the link below:
Public Consultation on draft Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
The purpose of the guidelines is to:
- provide good practice guidance on the provision, location, and design of Changing Places Toilets, taking a Universal Design approach
- provide good practice guidance on managing and maintaining Changing Places Toilets
- complement implementation of the Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022, which make provision for Changing Places Toilets, having regard to the use and size of a building.
The guidelines were developed with the help of a Technical Advisory Group, including RIAI representative, Helge Koester, who is a member of the RIAI Universal Design Taskforce. The content of the draft guidelines has been informed by consultation with disabled people including members of Disabled Persons Organisations.
The consultation will close at 5pm on Friday January 12, 2024.