• 09 Apr 2024

Statement from the RIAI President - New RIAI Professional Practice Examination

The Professional Practice Examination is a fundamental and critical part of the education and professional qualification of Architects. Its history reflects the profession's commitment to ensuring the competency, integrity, and professionalism of Architects; it is essential to protect the interests of the public and the built environment.
Over the past 18 months, access to the Professional Practice examination has become more restricted due to capacity constraints within the TU Dublin and UCD, the only two schools currently offering the course.

There is currently a backlog of applicants, and it is growing. Over the past year, the RIAI Council, Board and Executive have been working closely with the six schools of Architecture to examine the options that will improve access necessary to support the future numbers of graduates requiring entry to the examinations. Engagement with the schools has been positive and the schools understand the student and graduate practice education needs; however, change will take time to deliver through the education system.
Consequently, at its March meeting the RIAI Council made the landmark decision that the RIAI will develop and provide a new RIAI Professional Practice Examination. It is hoped that the development phase can be completed by autumn 2024 and that application for places to new entrants will open before the end of the year. The RIAI Board has also supported the delivery of this policy decision.

This is a very significant decision by the RIAI Council and, while Council members were cognisant of the costs, time and impact on resources involved in the preparation and development of the new course, there was strong support for the decision on the basis that it is necessary that we, as a profession, support our current and future graduates in their pathway through to practice. 
Updates will be provided as the work develops.

Seán Mahon,
RIAI President