Changes to RIAI CPD Policy for the 2023-2024 CPD Cycle
The current RIAI Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Policy was introduced in 2007 following the enactment of the 2005 EU Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications which required Member States to bring into force the requirements of the Directive by 20 October 2007.
One of the requirements of the Directive was for Member States to ensure, through CPD, that Architects would be able to update their knowledge, skills, and competences in order to maintain a safe and effective practice and keep abreast of professional developments.
This latest revision of the RIAI CPD policy has been brought about by the insertion in August 2022 of section 17A into the Building Control Act 2007. This addition to the Act puts CPD for Registered Architects in Ireland on a statutory footing.
The section requires the RIAI to maintain a CPD system, requires Registered Architects to comply with the RIAI CPD system and requires the RIAI to remove from the Register any Registered Architect who fails to comply with the RIAI CPD system.
What are the changes?
The main principles of the CPD system remain unchanged. Registered Architects are still required to complete at least 40 hours of CPD each year, 20 of which must be structured and CPD must be recorded on the MyRIAI CPD platform unless a derogation has been sought and granted for recording and submitting in hardcopy.
The substantial changes are to the information that you are obliged to include in your CPD record and to the audit process.
Logging CPD activities and CPD evidence
You are still required to log your CPD activities on your MyRIAI CPD account.
The requirement to upload evidence of CPD to your MyRIAI CPD account now only applies if you have been selected for CPD audit.
If you are not selected for the CPD audit, you are not required to upload evidence of CPD.
Unsuccessful CPD
If your CPD record is recorded as unsuccessful on 1 December, you will be notified by the Registrar. You will then have until the first Monday in April to amend your MyRIAI CPD record or attend additional CPD, as the case requires.
Audit timelines
There has been no change to the CPD cycle. The cycle will continue to run from 1 December each year to 30 November the following year.
There is however a change to how the CPD audit is run. Under the old policy you were notified of your selection for audit on 1 June of the current CPD cycle.
Under the new policy Registered Architects will be notified of their selection for audit after the CPD cycle has closed i.e., after 30 November.
Those who have been selected for audit will have until the second Monday in January to upload evidence to their MyRIAI CPD account.
An auditor will then review each CPD record in the audit. If there are any deficiencies in your CPD record, you will be notified and you will have up until the first Monday in April to upload any additional evidence or complete any outstanding hours of CPD.
What evidence needs to be uploaded for CPD audit?
If you are selected for CPD audit, you will need to upload evidence of non-RIAI CPD events and activities.
Evidence of attendance at RIAI CPD events or committees is not required to be uploaded as the RIAI will have a record of your attendance.
The new CPD Policy will apply to the 2023-2024 CPD cycle and will be effective from 1 December 2023.
The 2023-2024 CPD cycle will be a soft launch of the new procedures. No Registered Architects will be removed for not complying the policy for this cycle.
The RIAI’s objective for the 2024-2025 CPD cycle is to achieve 100% compliance with the policy.
The new CPD Policy is available to view in the Members’ Area of the RIAI website.