RIAI Conservation / Meet the Craftsman CPD Series: CPD Vernacular Buildings and how to Handle them (February 2023)
- Pre-recorded RIAI Courses
- RIAI Digital Chalk
Event Information
The RIAI and the Heritage Contractors Register hosted a live webinar on Zoom platform on 8 February 2023 with Barry O’Reilly, Architectural Conservation Advisor, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on ‘Vernacular Buildings and how to handle them’.
Course Aim
The aim of the course is to present attendees with a solid introduction to the nature of vernacular buildings, what makes them different to other building modes, and how one might treat them in terms of conservation/upgrading.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course attendees should have a knowledge of a) what is and what isn’t vernacular, b) the distinctive nature of vernacular buildings in the Irish (and international) context, c) vernacular materials and construction methods.
Barry O’Reilly is responsible for A Living Tradition, the State’s strategy for our built vernacular heritage. His background is in archaeology and folklore/folklife. He has lectured widely on the built vernacular heritage throughout Ireland and abroad, to local groups, academic gatherings and third-level. His MA thesis (UCD) was a study of vernacular architecture in Fingal and his PhD (Oxford Brookes University) explored the vernacular hamlets of various parts of Ireland.
He wrote Living under Thatch and co-wrote Ballyknockan: a Wicklow stone-cutters village, and has written numerous articles for journals. He is editor for Europe of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (Bloomsbury, forthcoming). He works as an architectural conservation advisor for the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. He has a particular interest in vernacular settlements/hamlets and the vernacular (or traditional) landscape; and a strong interest in corrugated iron.
This pre-recorded event is delivered via RIAI DigitalChalk:
- Following receipt of your payment via MyRIAI you will receive an email from the RIAI CPD Division (9:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday) providing your login details for RIAI Digital Chalk.
- This online course will be accessible from your RIAI Digital Chalk account for 6 months from the date of completion.
- The RIAI will send you a CPD certificate on completion of the online course.