RIAI Conservation / Meet the Craftsman CPD Series: CPD on Historic Steel Windows by Alexander Downes, Lambstongue (November 2021)

  • Pre-recorded RIAI Courses
  • Pre-recorded Online
RIAI Member €30 | RIAI Practice Member €35
RIAI Digital Chalk
1.5 Structured CPD Points

Event Information

The RIAI and the Heritage Contractors Register present a recording of the RIAI Conservation / Meet the Craftsman CPD on Historic Steel Windows talk by Alexander Downes, Lambstongue. This lecture took place on 11 November 2021.

Course Aim

The aim of the course is to give an overview of the type of works that Lambstongue are engaged in.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course attendees should have a knowledge of the approaches to the repair, conservation and thermal upgrading of historic glazed elements.


Alexander Downes is an owner/director of Lambstongue Ltd He has a Masters in English and Philosophy from UCD and has over 20 years’ experience working in the Construction Industry. Alexander holds a Postgrad Diploma from TCD in Applied Building Repair and Conservation. He is Chair of the Dublin Civic Trust.

This online CPD course is delivered via RIAI Digital Chalk.

  • Following receipt of your payment via MyRIAI you will receive an email from the RIAI CPD Division (9:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday) providing your login details for RIAI Digital Chalk.
  • This online course will be accessible from your RIAI Digital Chalk account for 6 months from the date of completion.
  • The RIAI will send you a CPD certificate on completion of the online course.