CPD Network Providers
Part L & RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge an overview of operational energy targets and calculating embodied carbon.
Provider: Unilin Insulation Ltd
Training Subject: Building regulations and RIAI 2030 Climate challenge
CPD Category:
CPD Contact
Mark Magennis
CPD Address
Unilin Insulation Ltd,
Liscarton Ind. Estate, ,
Kells Road, Navan, ,
Co. Meath,
C15 NP79
CPD Phone
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CPD Email
The presentation aims to provide a brief overview of the new Part L and NZEB. There is also an introduction to the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge and an outline of the target criteria including embodied carbon. Also contained in the presentation are details on worked examples of embodied carbon for 4 dwelling types which were independently assessed by XCO2 which Unilin commissioned using Unilin's products and associated EPDs. The presentation aims to inform attendees about the process and conventions involved in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).