RIAI CPD Links: Universal Design in the Built Environment Webinar Series 2024
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Event Information
Course Aim
The overall aim of the course is to enhance awareness and knowledge among attendees about Universal Design in the Built environment. Information on each individual webinar is set out below.
- 17 September: Building for Everyone: Introduction to Universal Design (Ruth O’Reilly, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design). The aim of this webinar is to will highlight the importance of Universal Design to respond to our ageing population, what is means to take a Universal Design approach, and resources available for architectural professionals.
- 1 October: Beyond Part M: Universal Design and Accessibility Legislation [RO(1] (Tom Grey, TrinityHaus). The aim of this webinar is to highlight legislation beyond Part M of the building regulations, which architectural professionals should be aware of in their everyday practice.
- 15 October: Inclusive Steps: Universal Design for Stairs (Nicola Ryan, Studio Red Architects). The aim of this webinar will highlight the difficulties that stairs can cause for a wide range of users, design considerations for making stairs easier to access and use and the spatial implications for Universal Design of stairs.
- 22 October: Welcoming All: Universal Design for Doorways (Eoin O’Herlihy, O’Herlihy Access Consultancy). The aim of this webinar is to highlight the difficulties that poor door design can cause for building users, design considerations for making doors easier to access and use, and common design issues encountered during building projects.
Learning Outcomes
The individual learning outcomes for each webinar are set out below.
On completion of this course attendees should have a knowledge of;
1. 17 September: Building for Everyone: Introduction to Universal Design (Ruth O’Reilly, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design). On completion of this webinar, attendees should have:
- Understanding of Universal Design as a response to human needs, particularly in the context of ageing and disability
- Knowledge of the seven principles of Universal Design and their application in the built environment
- Awareness of a Universal Design Approach to Housing
- Awareness of further resources and information
2. 1 October: Beyond Part M: Universal Design and Accessibility Legislation (Tom Grey, TrinityHaus). On completion of this webinar, attendees should have:
- Awareness of a range of legislation, outside building regulations, that relates to Universal Design and accessibility in the built environment
- Knowledge of key sections of the Disability Act 2005 relevant to architectural practice
- Understanding of the difference between the minimum requirements of the building regulations and Universal Design
3. 15 October: Inclusive Steps: Universal Design for Stairs (Nicola Ryan, Studio Red Architects). On completion of this webinar, attendees should have:
- Improved awareness of the diversity of users impacted by stairs design
- Knowledge of stairs features that can improve the accessibility and usability of stairs for a wide range of users
- Understanding of the spatial and detail design implications for taking a Universal Design approach to stairs
4. 22 October: Welcoming All: Universal Design for Doorways (Eoin O’Herlihy, O’Herlihy Access Consultancy). On completion of this webinar, attendees should have:
- Improved awareness of the diversity of users impacted by door design
- Knowledge of features that can improve the accessibility and usability of doors for a wide range of users
- Awareness of common accessibility issues that arise with door design in building projects during design and construction
Contact Name and Email address for queries: Ruth O’Reilly.
Link to your event page.